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Sports Injury Rehab

Our Sports Injury Rehab specialists offer expedited healing from trauma to your body incurred during training or sport. Using tools such as Manual therapies, Graston, Cupping, FST techniques, Kinesio-tape, accupuncture, and more, we can decrease your recovery time and optimize your future performance.

Our hands on approach to loosen muscle and joints, combined with corrective exercise, joint stabilization, and recovery techniques means you get back to injury free movement and perform at the highest level.

Types of injuries we treat, but not limited to:

  • Acute sports injuries
  • Muscle strains and pulls
  • Low back injuries
  • Tendon/joint pain
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Knee pain
  • Elbows/wrist injuries
  • Imbalances and general pain

Beyond the treatment room, we will bring you on the gym floor and work through corrective exercises and develop a plan to implement with your workout routine aimed at preventing recurring injuries.